1955 BMW 502
Cabriolet Autenrieth-
AutomobiltypCabriolet / Roadster
LenkungLenkung links
Anzahl der Türen2
Zahl der Sitze5
Leistung160 PS / 118 kW / 158 BHP
see Car in motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs0IozwSO3c
Seltenes 502 Cabriolet des Karosseriebauers Autenrieth
Eines von wohl nur 5 Fahrzeugen
Der BMW „Barockengel“ war das erste Auto, das BMW im Werk München in Serie produzierte. Alle Modelle zuvor wurden in Eisenach gebaut. Mit dem neu konstruiertem V8 Motor konnte der BMW 502 sich schnell als Repräsentationsfahrzeug mit sportlichen Fahrwerten etablieren.
Ca. 23.000 Fahrzeuge des Typs 501/502 konnten bis 1963 verkauft werden, davon nur 280 Cabriolets und Coupes, die oftmals von externen Karosseriebauern gefertigt wurden.
Von diesem 2-Türigen Cabriolet wurden bei Autenrieth wohl lediglich 5 Exemplare angefertigt!
Vom Werks- bzw. Baur-Cabriolet unterschiedet es sich durch die niedrigere Dachlinie und den Wegfall der hinteren Türen und Fenster. Dadurch wirkt es deutlich eleganter und schnittiger als das normale „Barockengel“ Cabriolet. Auch wanderten die Scheinwerfer weiter nach außen in die Kotflügel, was das Auto breiter wirken lässt. Die Panorama-Windschutzscheibe dürfte die erste ihrer Art in einem deutschen Serien Fahrzeug gewesen sein.
Das 502 Cabriolet wurde 1955 in Baden Baden ausgeliefert.
Später war für mehrere Jahrzehnte im Besitz eines bekannten BMW-Enthusiasten aus Düsseldorf.
Aus dieser Zeit liegen uns auch einige Fotos vor.
In den 80er Jahren gelangte das Cabriolet in eine bayerische Sammlung und sollte umfassend restauriert werden. Dieses Vorhaben wurde jedoch aus unbekannten Gründen unterbrochen.
Die grundierte Karosserie und die Teile wurden in einer Garage nahe des Chiemsees eingelagert.
Vor ca. 10 Jahren wurde der seltene BMW schließlich vollständig restauriert unter Einbeziehung zahlreicher Originalteile wie den wunderschön erhaltenen VDO Instrumenten.
Seitdem wurde das Cabriolet sowohl bei Concours Events als auch bei Oldtimer Rallyes eingesetzt.
Rare 502 Cabriolet from the coachbuilder Autenrieth
One of presumably just 5 vehicles
The BMW "Barockengel" was the first car that BMW produced in series at the Munich plant. All models before were built in Eisenach. With its newly designed V8 engine, the BMW 502 quickly established itself as a representative vehicle with sporty driving values.
Approximately 23,000 vehicles of the type 501/502 were sold until 1963, of which only 280 were convertibles and coupes, which were often built by external coachbuilders.
Autenrieth produced presumably only 5 examples of this 2-door cabriolet!
It differs from the factory or Baur cabriolet by the lower roof line and the omission of the rear doors and windows. This makes it look much more elegant and sleek than the normal "Barockengel" cabriolet. The headlights also moved further out into the co-wings, making the car look wider. The panoramic windscreen was probably the first of its kind in a German production car.
The 502 Cabriolet was supplied new in Baden Baden in 1955.
Later it was owned for several decades by a well-known BMW enthusiast from Düsseldorf.
We also have some photos from this period.
In the 1980s, the convertible came into a Bavarian collection and was to be comprehensively restored. However, this project was interrupted for unknown reasons.
The primed body and the parts were stored in a garage near Lake Chiemsee.
About 10 years ago, the rare BMW was finally fully restored with the inclusion of numerous original parts such as the beautifully preserved VDO instruments.
Since then, the convertible has been used in concours events as well as classic car rallies.
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Rare 502 Cabriolet from the coachbuilder Autenrieth
One of presumably just 5 vehicles
The BMW "Barockengel" was the first car that BMW produced in series at the Munich plant. All models before were built in Eisenach. With its newly designed V8 engine, the BMW 502 quickly established itself as a representative vehicle with sporty driving values.
Approximately 23,000 vehicles of the type 501/502 were sold until 1963, of which only 280 were convertibles and coupes, which were often built by external coachbuilders.
Autenrieth produced presumably only 5 examples of this 2-door cabriolet!
It differs from the factory or Baur cabriolet by the lower roof line and the omission of the rear doors and windows. This makes it look much more elegant and sleek than the normal "Barockengel" cabriolet. The headlights also moved further out into the co-wings, making the car look wider. The panoramic windscreen was probably the first of its kind in a German production car.
The 502 Cabriolet was supplied new in Baden Baden in 1955.
Later it was owned for several decades by a well-known BMW enthusiast from Düsseldorf.
We also have some photos from this period.
In the 1980s, the convertible came into a Bavarian collection and was to be comprehensively restored. However, this project was interrupted for unknown reasons.
The primed body and the parts were stored in a garage near Lake Chiemsee.
About 10 years ago, the rare BMW was finally fully restored with the inclusion of numerous original parts such as the beautifully preserved VDO instruments.
Since then, the convertible has been used in concours events as well as classic car rallies.
Miles read from Odometer, Real One may vary, The given details are descriptions without obligations. They do not represent warranted qualities. The vendor isn`t liable for errors, input data errors, and data transfer errors.